BGSZC Belvárosi Gazdasági Szakgumnáziuma High School
In the framework of the Dtse project and C2 Meeting in Budapest, we have make these interviews . Our
partner from each school awnsers these questions
About each country
1. Which are the economic sectors of each country?
2. What are the Most important enterprises of each country?
9. Tell me about a tradition of your country.
10. Typical food of your country’s gastronomy.
11. How could you use the new technologies in your country?
About your project in each school
3. Your school is working in a Dtse project. Explain the value proposal of your project.
4. How do you think is your project innovative from a social point of view?
5. Which do you think are the key factors for the success of your project?
6. What do you think, is there a chance that others may do something similar to your
project? Why?
8. What motivated you to make the Erasmus project?
About your experience in the M2 meeting in Budapest.
7. We are in this wonderful town of Budapest, What do you like most about Budapest?
Students of Hungary Team prepared this conference about this startup Company to “Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions ”
Hungary Team Team prepared and presented this Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions Project Presentation in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest
You can download it here.
Hungary – Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions
Some of the teams presented a showcase about the startup that they were developing.
The aim of the company was to develop high quality cosmetic products which should be sold and the benefits would go to a Non-Profit Organizations.
The Czech R. Team prepared and presented this “Non-Profit Organizations” in colaboration with the JA company.
This Presentation was made in in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest
You can download it here.
Czech R Team Non-Profit Organizations JA company
The Austrian Team has worked in this four Startups projects in Social Entrepreneurship
In the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest, the Austrian Team make this Social Entrepreneurship Presentation.
Austria Social Entrepreneurship
As one of the objetives of our project is the formation of our students and colleages , I’ve proudly organized this Forum in which will take part some expert in this activity the M2 Meeting Budapest
Place BGSZC Business school Budapest.
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2018.
Time: 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
SZÁMALK-Szalézi Highschool and BGSZC organised ERASMUS+INFODay for the schools of Center in Budapest, in May.
Each school showed their project. During the meeting we shared our experiences and gave useful ideas to each other.
We gave presentations of our project ’Designthinking : Social – Entrepreneurship between European schools’under Erasmus+ programme.
The presentations gave good impulses to further activities to the other schools.
SUMMARY OF BUDAPEST M2 MEETING (23rd -25th April 2018)
The third session within the project ’Designthinking : Social – Entrepreneurship between European schools’under Erasmus+ programme took place in our school (BGSZC BGSZ Budapest) at the end of April 2018. During the 3 –day meeting with our colleagues from the six participant countries we continued the real ’designthinking’ which started and proceeded in Spain at the previous two meetings займ 1000 рублей онлайн.
In Budapest we discussed the results of the evaluation sheets of the previous activities and meetings basd on questionnaires that were filled in both by teachers and students. The findings helped to work out our improvement proposals for the next stages. Each country came prepared: several ideas and suggestions were shared and discussed related to the content and methods of the future cooperation. Furthermore, the programme of our next C2 meeting,which is due to be held in October 2018, started to outline, many interesting, applicable joint-activities for students were proposed by the participants.
During the meeting we exchangedour business ideasthat we workonwithourstudents in the differentcountries and presentedthose ’bestpractice’ ideaswhichprovedto be useful in preparing ourstudentstomeettherequirements of thejob market.
The presentations gave good impulses to further activities and provided useful background information regarding the existing organizations and events which support coming together of education and business sector (like ECIE).
In order to facilitate our students to collaborate in the mixed-country activities with in the project, we all agreed on the importance of applying widely IT applications, social media and other possibilitiesthat modern technology offersus. As a good sample, the Hungarian students made interviews during the meeting with the teachers through podcast technology.
Beside the strictly professional programms, we, Hungarian hosts intended to show our colleagues some highlights of our beautiful capital, Budapest.
All in all, we consider, theM2 meeting wasverysuccessful in terms of developingour project: summing up the previous events, as wellas gathering, sharing, proposing and plannin guseful and promising ideas.
We have started our radio Channel one of the final products of our project.
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Team
Storage Good Practices Workshop
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Student
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Team
Exit room Activity by
Austrian Team Presentation
Romaniam Team Presentation
Spanish team Evaluation Presentation
Czech team social media Workshop presentation
Acts Documents Developing
Hi ¡¡¡¡ We are almost ready for the M2 where we will join in Budapest ¡¡¡
And we are very proud to send you the Activity Planning For Budapest meeting in April.
We are going to work in many activities together in a collaborative way so it is important that everybody takes to the meeting some work prepared , it’s explained in the the last page of the pdf document .
See you soon ¡¡¡¡
In the context of DTSE Project, BGSZC School prepared the conference – Exposition “CAREER ORIENTATION DAY” for their students.
We have developer our career day where we have assesored our students in entrepreneurshipment and other laboral options.
How to make a business plan
Students had a great time during the project week as they could get to know each other through the diversified groupings. During the first day, they had to analyze data concerning the ten-year-existence of the school. On the second day, the day of the anniversary had to be planned including a website and programs for the event. The budget and the advertisement had to be designed as well. The last day, the spokesmen of the teams had to introduce their presentations to the audience: the jury and the schoolmates. Evolving a facade along a business plan proved to be more difficult than it seemed to be at the first glance, but practice makes perfect. The aim of the task was to try themselves in the world of work with being engaged effectively in teams. This close co-operation is an essential skill in the world of business nowadays.