More than 100.000 interactions *


More than 100.000 interactions *

We are happy to notify that we have reached more than 100.000 interactions with our project  ¡¡¡¡

Mass Media: 120 articles in national International reviews. ¿number of Interactions?

Twitter: Counting only the Twitter notifications with a TwitterReduccion 2%  (the twitter algorithm usually only lets you reach the 2% of your followers)

4500 users x 300 post  x TwitterReduccion (2%)  = 27000 twitter interactions web stats = 75000 visits.

07 Stats dtse

= More than 100.000 interactions * 🙂

It’s very posible that they will be by far more because the interations in the

  • Mass Media
  • Etwinning channel
  • Soundcloud channel
  • Youtube channel
  • and others

Congratulations DTSE Team ¡¡¡

2304total visits,1visits today

About the author

Alfonso@Playamar administrator

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