Fifteen students of the IIS “GA Pichedda” participated in the THIMUN Qatar 2018.


Fifteen students of the IIS “GA Pichedda” participated in the THIMUN Qatar 2018.

One important objetive of the DTSE Erasmus Project is to develop activities in the development of the entrepreneuship. IIS “GA Pichedda” as a part of the project took part in the Model UN Conference. THIMUN QATAR, DOHA, 22-26 JANUARY 2018.

Fifteen students of the IIS “GA Pichedda” participated in the THIMUN Qatar 2018.

Project coordinator, Prof. Maria Giuliana Demurtas
English Teacher, Prof. Annalisa Marongiu


What is the MUN?

The MUN aims to be an authentic simulation of the United Nations – complete with Security Council, General Assembly, an ECOSOC committee as well as a wide range of other sub-committees, a Secretariat headed by the Secretary General, a Press Corp and of course the delegates.

For the duration of a Model United Nations conference, every participant or ‘delegate’ represents a member state of the United Nations in one of the committees of the UN system.

Delegates representing the same state together form a ‘delegation’. In their individual committees, delegates engage in debate on a wide range of topics, relating to issues as diverse as international peace and security, economic cooperation and development, human rights or the protection of the environment.

The ultimate objective of every delegate is to produce, lobby support for, debate and ultimately have passed a resolution on one of the topic areas within their committee.

By the MUN experience students learn how to research foreign policy, prepare speeches, and write UN resolutions; at the conference they learn about the perspectives of different countries, how to make speeches on the spot, and negotiate with other delegates to find global solutions.

By the end of your MUN conference, students will have improved their skills in research, public speaking, debate, negotiation, and diplomacy. These are skills that will help them throughout school, college, their career, and the rest of the life.

The objective of MUN conferences is to find global solutions to global problems.

The MUN conferences bring students together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds. The conference attracts around 1700 participants from Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The conference venue is the beautiful Qatar National Convention Center.

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