SUMMARY OF BUDAPEST M2 MEETING (23rd -25th April 2018)
The third session within the project ’Designthinking : Social – Entrepreneurship between European schools’under Erasmus+ programme took place in our school (BGSZC BGSZ Budapest) at the end of April 2018. During the 3 –day meeting with our colleagues from the six participant countries we continued the real ’designthinking’ which started and proceeded in Spain at the previous two meetings займ 1000 рублей онлайн.
In Budapest we discussed the results of the evaluation sheets of the previous activities and meetings basd on questionnaires that were filled in both by teachers and students. The findings helped to work out our improvement proposals for the next stages. Each country came prepared: several ideas and suggestions were shared and discussed related to the content and methods of the future cooperation. Furthermore, the programme of our next C2 meeting,which is due to be held in October 2018, started to outline, many interesting, applicable joint-activities for students were proposed by the participants.
During the meeting we exchangedour business ideasthat we workonwithourstudents in the differentcountries and presentedthose ’bestpractice’ ideaswhichprovedto be useful in preparing ourstudentstomeettherequirements of thejob market.
The presentations gave good impulses to further activities and provided useful background information regarding the existing organizations and events which support coming together of education and business sector (like ECIE).
In order to facilitate our students to collaborate in the mixed-country activities with in the project, we all agreed on the importance of applying widely IT applications, social media and other possibilitiesthat modern technology offersus. As a good sample, the Hungarian students made interviews during the meeting with the teachers through podcast technology.
Beside the strictly professional programms, we, Hungarian hosts intended to show our colleagues some highlights of our beautiful capital, Budapest.
All in all, we consider, theM2 meeting wasverysuccessful in terms of developingour project: summing up the previous events, as wellas gathering, sharing, proposing and plannin guseful and promising ideas.
We have started our radio Channel one of the final products of our project.
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Team
Storage Good Practices Workshop
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Student
Best practices presentation by BGZSC Team
Exit room Activity by
Austrian Team Presentation
Romaniam Team Presentation
Spanish team Evaluation Presentation
Czech team social media Workshop presentation
Acts Documents Developing
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