DTSE web Stats


DTSE web Stats

In total, 243,877 interactions were counted during the completion of the dtse.eu project

Data Origin

These data have been made from the record of visits provided by Strato our hosting which can be consulted in csv here:

raw visits stats in dtse.eu and ecie.eu  or here http://dtse.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/raw-visits-stats-in-dtse.eu-and-ecie.eu_.7z

This document can be downloaded in pdf

Interations Web Stats in English visitas dtse dtse stats English

Inteacciones y estadisticas en Castellano visitas dtse

Briefing :

24859 visits to the root of the dtse.eu website and 216723 visits to the entire website

6644 visits to the root of the ecie.eu website and 27154 visits to the entire website

in total 216723+ 27154 = 243,877 interactions

Year and Monthly Stats of Dtse.eu

In the following table you can see the visits by months and years of the dtse.eu  and ecie.eu web project and a graph with its evolution


Year and Monthly Stats of ECIE.eu

In the following table you can see the visits by months and years of the ecie.eu web project and a graph with its evolution


5868total visits,2visits today

About the author

Alfonso@Playamar administrator

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