BHAK/BHAS high school in Weiz Austria
On 27.2. 2108 A group of students oft he 5th form created a lesson for children
This interesting activity was made in collaboration of the DTSE Erasmus project.
Helena Hödl and Elias Spari (4th form) got an insight into a bookshop, Fa. Plautz in Gleisdorf.
In the context of #HAKForward, a project of the Chamber of Commerce of Styria, they collected information for their diploma thesis.
Those are the Logo & Slogan presented for the Logos & Slogan Contest in C1 for each patner … they were posted in twitter
Each patner has to choose 2 votes for the logo and 2 votes for the slogan and the Logo & Slogan with more votes wins ¡¡¡
and the winner is …. (at the end of the post)
Our Team:
Barbara Hauswiesner, headmistress
Lena Vorraber, student
Sarah Wünscher, student
Marie-Theres Wasserbauer, student
Georg Vorraber, student
Gabriela Schragen, teacher
Dagmar Glück, teacher
Bettina Hinkel, teacher
(seen from the left)
Workshop with Mrs. Brandl about logistics for the 5th form.
One of the objetives of DTSE Erasmus Project is to develop the interactions with local entities.
In 20.12. 2017, we make a Visit to the company “Koblischek by Katrin” , where our students could understand how a social company works.
The 2nd form made a visit to the company which supports the class during 5 years by information and experience.
Mrs. Koblischek gave an insight in her marketing aktivities.
More than 1.000 of those Christmas bags were sold by our junior Company this year!
As a part of our Startup program, we prepared an Exposition of the products of the students in the Christmas Market in Weiz 9.12. 2017
9.12. Christmas Market in Weiz
Students of the 4th form with their junior company “Green Moskito” sold presents for Christmas