C3 Bosa : Meeting by Hungarian Team


C3 Bosa : Meeting by Hungarian Team

C3: Meeting in Bosa By Hungarian Team.

The fith session within the project ’Designthinking : Social – Entrepreneurship between European schools’ under Erasmus+ programme took  place in Bosa in November.

In Sardinia, we discussed  the results of the evaluation sheets of the previous activities, C2 Budapest, which was excellent for us. Thanks for Everybody.

The findings helped to work out our improvement proposals for the next stages. Each country came prepared: several ideas and suggestions were shared and discussed related to the content and methods of the future cooperation.

During the meeting we were sightseeing tour in Bosa by boat and we visited the Alghero countryside. Beside the cultural events we participated a seminar. It says about „Social entrepreneurship and multiculturalism. And we heard very interesting presentation about the robotic applied to social entrepreneurship.

All in all, we consider, the C3 meeting was good.

C3Meeting in Bosa




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