Hi , Here It is the assignement of Didactic Units by countries as we established in the meetings. There are three documents you can use it as example and also a document template to start to work.
Didactic Unit Example in pdf –> Example of final document
Almost Clean Document to start the Didactic Unit –> Clean Template to start
Style Guide in PDF –> Document with information about styles (si included in the template)
UD0 Entrepreneurs Guide
UD2 Legal forms and taxation
UD7 Financing and investment analysis
UD4 Human Resources
UD9 Functions of the entrepreneur: Organize and Control.
UD6 Marketing
UD8 The CANVAS model
UD3 Functions of the entrepreneur: Plan, Management
UD5 Procurement and Production
UD1 General aspects: Myths about the entrepreneur. Competencies to undertake, Analysis of the environment, The systemic approach.
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