In our project Social entrepreunership we tried to make two 3D tools for visually handicapped people.
We colaborated with students 4th grade students. We made two specific tables.
The first one it was a table for teaching of reading for blind persons. Our students worked in Tinkercad program – online free software. The table of reading for blind persons contains particular signs of Roman alphabet and corresponding grid of six points organized in the form of rectangle 2×3 centimetres. On each of these six points there is o there is not the protruding spot (embossed). This is the way how to encode 64 alphabetical signs. The blind reader senses these signs by touch. The second tool is a table of various shapes (e. g. rectangle, star, circle, etc.) The blind person can to identify these shapes. We donated these printed tables to blind citizens in our town.
Our students liked this activity and we would like to make a memory game called “pexeso“ for blind people.
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