On April 24-26, 2018, our third meeting took place in beautiful Budapest, Hungary, at the partner school BGSZC Belvárosi Gazdasági Szakgimnáziuma.
Among the presented materials were analyzes of the results so far, proposals for improvement of the project or the preparation of the next meeting, examples of good practice in the partner schools. Collaborative activities, work-shops have allowed us to strengthen the relationships between our teams and to draw the directions of the project in the future.
The meeting in Budapest was a real step forward for our project and took place in a pleasant, cordial, very warm atmosphere created first of all by hosts whom we thank.
The materials presented by our team are as follows:
Improvement proposals SSCNK RO
In the period between mobility, joint activities can be carried out through the Etwinning platform :
Until the C2 meeting in Budapest:
October 2017 and February 2018
Meeting C5 in Bucharest
Making a fair of the exercise firms.
Company of the Romanian team
Organic Architecture: The House for Life
The Romanian team wants to build a company – Construction of organic houses for the population affected by natural disasters.
Budapest, we’ll see you soon !
The Danube waves will bring us back in October!
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