Simulated Training Company (IFS).


Simulated Training Company (IFS).

DTSE eramus project aims to create new companies, in this context the G.A, Pischedda school have started a new collaboration with the initiative SIMUL-ALTERNAZA

It is a virtual company animated by students, which performs a network market activity (ecommerce) and refers to a real company (company tutor) that is the reference model to be emulated in every phase or business life cycle.

The teaching methodology naturally uses:

  • problem solving,

  • learning by doing,

  • cooperative learning

  • role playing.


Simulated Training Company constituting a valid tool for the acquisition of skills that can be used in the labour market.

The students, with the simulated training company, are real young entrepreneurs and acquire the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship with the basic cognitive tools in the economic and financial field.

This is an experience that can be useful in all fields of study, if you consider it as a tool for guiding the choices of students who, even after a university career, have the aspiration of being part of a company.

The IFS uses the IT platforms in order to set up telematic networks able to support the training courses addressed to the students of the schools that are part of it.

The system allows the creation of virtual companies on the network that simulate all the actions related to specific areas of any business activity.

The IFS activity started in November 2017; participating students are the 3^E class Administration, Finance and Marketing, coordinating by Prof. Rita Murdeu, teacher of Economy; The students simulated the activities of a tourism services company.

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Alfonso@Playamar administrator

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