Input of the lecture Financial education for young people at the Mendel’s secondary school in Nový Jičín


Input of the lecture Financial education for young people at the Mendel’s secondary school in Nový Jičín

The teachers and students of our school took part in the lecture “Financial education for young people” during the Erasmus+ project mobility, which was a part of the European project Social entrepreneurship in Spanish Torremolinos. The lecture was prepared by the company Edufinet and the participants were also given interesting study materials for the students of their home schools. The business teacher, Mrs Budínská, decided to use them and prepared the workshop for her s tudents on the topic financial education.

The students got five tasks (questions 1 ,2,3,4,5) and  worked in groups of four. First they discussed the vocabulary needed to fulfil the tasks, then they tried to solve the tasks according to their knowledge which they had gained in the business lessons so far. Finally they talked about the chosen answers and supported their opinions in front of the class. They could change their answers, if they were persuaded with the facts and arguments of other students. The supported slides were used to discuss about the questions. As following chart shows our students have quite good knowledge about the topic.

The students enjoyed the workshop because all the tasks were from every-day life and the pupils considered them to be useful for their future life.

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