Czech team


Czech team

The project: Designthinking: Social Entrepreneurship between European Schools
Since the beginning of October 2017 the Mendel’s secondary school Nový Jičín, department Business has started the cooperation on the international project “Designthinking: Social Entrepreneurship between European Schools”. In October we created the teachers’ project team, whose members became teachers of IT, Business, English and Spanish.

Our team:

  • Zdenek Matus
    project coordinator
  • Monika Kubiszova
    communications manager
  • Lenka Budinska
    coordinator „Traininig activities”)
  • Andrea Rusarova
    coordinator „Traininig activities”)

In November 2017 two teachers (Monika Kubiszová and Andrea Rušarová) took part in the first meeting of the project in Torremolinos in Spain. They had the opportunity to meet all the project partners from other five countries and the main tasks and terms were set. They also could explore beauties of Spain, because they visited cities as Malaga and Cordoba. They also could taste a bit of Spanish culture.
Soon after the return from Spain it was decided to involve the students of the second year and present them the basic goals of the project. The presentation about the project and project partners was prepared and presented to the students. The most motivated and interested students were chosen to the students’ project team. The teachers has also disseminated the goals of the project to the school website and Facebook.

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