Our educational center “Budapesti Gazdasagi SZC Belvarosi Gazdasagi Szakgimnaziuma” is located in the center of the capital of Hungary (Budapest). It is the most populous city in Central-Eastern Europe and the seventh in the European Union.
It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, it has several assets considered a World Heritage Site. Forbes magazine
considered as the seventh idyllic place in Europe to live.
Our secondary school provides professional training in the area of economics, commerce, logistics and secretarial work.
Our center was built in 2007, before we were an annexed center, but on September 1, 2016 it became independent due to the wide demand of our training by young people. We have 900 students with an age between 16 and 20 years.
With a staff of 80 highly qualified teachers. We have teachings in day and night shift because we offer teachings for adults.
The sociocultural context is medium.
It is a modern building of recent creation and perfectly equipped with TICs. It is located in the heart of Budapest.
We offer two foreign languages to our students: English and German.
Our main strengths are:
– We are referents in our city in terms of dual professional training in the area of economy and entrepreneurship.
-We are implementing a very successful “talent management” project with 120 curricular hours. This initiative has been
recognized by our educational authorities.
We are intermediaries of the labor market. We have a job pool for students created from the profiles demanded by companies in our environment. You can check our website www.belvarosikepzo.hu.
Dual vocational training in Hungary is a very attractive way to learn a trade.
This means that the training of the students takes place both in the
company as in our educational center. These programs offer many opportunities of employability to the students, because the future competences that will require them to carry out a work related to their training, adjust perfectly to the reality that of the companies. They acquire technical skills and theoretical knowledge in the same job.
Aspects of the center’s methodology that contribute to the achievement of the project’s objectives:
1) Powerful network of contacts with financial and industrial companies. Deep knowledge of the business reality of the environment:
Company workers are trained and a high percentage of teachers combine teaching work with other work in companies.
2) Youth employment is encouraged with specific courses based on techniques of orientation and job search for young people.
Many end up working in those companies where they carry out dual training. There is an employment exchange as a result of that
3) Innovative methodology recognized by the educational authorities. Two projects stand out:
– The program “The thematic week”. Where we hold workshops, seminars, visits, ICT activities and conferences related to
creativity, innovation, economy and entrepreneurship.
-The “Talent Management” program.
Brief description of our experience in relevant areas of the project:
Budapest is the most industrialized city in the country and the most important financial market in Central Eastern Europe. The industry is rather on the outskirts of the city, because the center of it is the place for national and international financial companies.
Our school is located in the heart of the city. The location of our school allows us to:
Where is Budapesti Gazdasagi SZC Belvarosi Gazdasagi Szakgimnaziuma ?
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