To achieve the objectives of our project, teacher training activities are necessary to share the good practices carried out and create a synergy among all partners. In addition, we need to actively involve students in social entrepreneurship, for this we propose joint learning activities among students from all countries partners
The objectives of the project go beyond the classroom and they want to transcend the different communities, for that reason they consider activities that involve different agents of the different local communities.
To guarantee the results are required coordination activities (will allow the monitoring and evaluation of the tasks performed). Finally, activities are proposed of dissemination of our project.
M1: First transnational coordination meeting. Headquarters: Spain.
A1: Official presentation of the project to stakeholders (Project dissemination act)
C1: Combined mobility of students. Headquarters: Spain
During this mobility, the following activities will be carried out:
A2: Workshop: “Educational coaching-personal dimension of entrepreneurship“ (Act of formation for the teaching staff)
A3: Workshop: “Platforms for effective and secure communication: Twinspace“ (Act of formation for the students)
C2: Combined mobility of students. Headquarters: Hungary
During this mobility, the following activities will be carried out:
A4: Workshop: “The six hats of Bono: Roles and emotional intelligence“ (Act of formation for the teaching staff)
A5: Workshop: “CANVAS MODEL: The next step to the business plan“ (Act of formation for the students)
A12: Seminar: “Budapest example of development from 3 T’s”. Responsible partner: Hungary.
M2: Second transnational coordination meeting: Hungary.
(Intermediate project coordination act)
C3: Short-term joint training activities for personnel. Italy
During this mobility, the following formative activities for teachers will be carried out:
A6: Event: DesignThinking. Responsible partner: Spain
A7: Seminar: “Entrepreneurship and multiculturalism”. Responsible partner: Italy
A8: Workshop: “Collaborative work and communication through IT’s” Responsible partner: Spain.
A9: Seminar: “Arduino, 3D Printing”. Responsible partner: Spain
A10: Workshop: “Competencies from problem-based learning”. Responsible partner: Austria.
C4: Short-term joint training activities for Personnel.Romania
During this mobility, the following formative activities for teachers will be carried out:
A11: Workshop: “Social Entrepreneurship, SWOT analysis”. Responsible partner: Romania.
A13: Debate: “Connection between competencies in schools and the world of work”. Responsible partner: Hungary.
A14: Seminar: “Collaborative networks with the business circle”. Responsible partner: Romania.
C5: Combined mobility of students. Headquarters: Romania
A15: Debate: “Banking versus non-bank financing“ (Act of formation for the teaching staff)
A16: Workshop: “Crowdfunding as a source of funding“ (Act of formation for the students)
M3: Third transnational coordination meeting. Headquarters: Austria
(Final project coordination act)
Acts developed throughout the project:
A17 Creation of an educational portal on entrepreneurship.
A18 Creating an online radio.
A19 Preparation of the strategic plan for the dissemination of the project.
A20-A21-A22 Creation of Didactic Units on the 3 dimensions of entrepreneurship.
A23 Translation (two languages) of the relevant final products.
A24 Creation of the Corporate Social Responsibility manual of the project and ethical code.
A25 Evaluation and control of the results of the transnational meetings.
A26 Start-up of the project’s social entrepreneurship.
A27 Publication of Didactic Units and Social Responsivity Manual.
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