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Visit of Czech students and teachers in Budapest

3 teachers and 44 students from the first and the second year from Mendelova secondary school (part economics) visited our Hungarian partners in Budapest as a part of the Social bussiness project and also a school trip From 26. – 27.6

After arrival at Budapest our Hungarian co-workers and students prepared an interesting test on economics, finance and general overview of the Czech Republic and Hungary with programme Kahoot and escape room . There was an escape room too and visiting the Hungarian school including specialised classes. There was visiting of basilica of St. Stephan in the afternoon. Questions about final report of Social bussiness project, options of further cooperation in other projects and financing IT in Hungary and Czech education were discussed at the business dinner.

The second day we visited Buda castle, Fishermen´s Bastion and Matyas temple. After lunch there was an excursion of Parliament with an English guide.



Industrial Machinery Start-up

Technology evolves at an accelerated pace and companies must adapt to changes as soon as possible to generate a source of competitive advantage. The digitalization of the industry is a revolution that will change (and in fact is already doing) the paradigm of industrial manufacturing, work environments and the way of relating to both suppliers and customers.

We are at the doors of the 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and our education system must evolve to properly train future professionals.

New engineers and skilled workers will have to challenge this new era, using their skills to achieve more efficient management of resources, improve all production processes and increase profitability.

In the era of industry 4.0 and digital transformation, all young people will have to develop their talent, to foster a broad development of skills, attitudes and experiences both digital and innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity that prepare them competently for their professional future and favor your employability.

From this point of view, we find it necessary to give our students sufficient tools so that their integration into the workplace is successful and valuable for companies.

With the idea of ​​taking another step, in the development of our project, we believe it is necessary to merge two technologies with great demand in the industry, Robotics and Pneumatics. With this, we managed to climb one more step and provide our students with the necessary skills to robotize an industrial silver.

These contents are included in the technology curriculum in 4th of that and in Industrial Technology in high school.


2. Objective and justification of the project.

“Every day, in the media, there is some news related to climate change, energy saving, depletion of raw materials, the need to recycle, …

What can we contribute to help solve this great problem that affects our entire planet? ”

This was the introduction with which a debate was opened in technology class and whose purpose was for students to become aware that we only have one planet and we must take care of it.

Many ideas came up, very good, but we focused on the importance of recycling.

The idea of ​​manufacturing a machine to help recycle cans of soft drinks using the knowledge that students have of pneumatics and robotics was raised, and to study their feasibility to manufacture and install it, in various centers accompanied by a decalogue of Reasons why we should recycle.

With the development of this project it is intended that our students be able to:

Design, implement and program robotic systems.

Design and implement pneumatic circuits.

Encourage and actively participate in the recycling of containers.

Raise awareness about the need for energy saving and its impact on the environment.

Promote entrepreneurial culture.

The knowledge necessary to develop a project of this type is present in the curriculum of technology (in 4th of that) and industrial technology 1.


The contents treated in 4th of that, related to the project are:

Block 4: Control and robotics.

4.1. Automatic systems, characteristic components of control devices.

4.2. Basic digital and analog sensors.

4.3. Actuators

4.4. Design and construction of robots.

4.5. Degrees of freedom.

4.6. Technical characteristics.

4.7. The computer as an element of programming and control.

4.8. Basic programming languages.

4.9. Architecture and basic characteristics of control hardware platforms, advantages of free hardware over proprietary.

4.10. Application of controller cards or control hardware platforms in experimentation with designed prototypes.

4.11 3D design and printing. MAKER culture.

Block 5: Pneumatic and hydraulic.

5.1. Analysis of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

5.2. Components

5.3. Symbology

5.4. Physical principles of operation.

5.5. Simple assemblies

5.6. Use of simulators in the design of basic circuits.

5.7. Application in industrial systems.

For the 1st year of high school the following contents are treated:

Block 4. Programming and robotics.

4.1. Programming software

4.2. Flowchart and standardized symbology.

4.3. Variables: concept and types.

4.4. Mathematical and logical operators.

4.5. Structured programming: functions.

4.6. Control structures: Loops, counters, conditionals, etc.

4.7. Sensors and actuators. Types.

4.8. Inbound treatment

4.9. Programming of a hardware platform for handling a robot or control system.

Block 5. Technological products: design and production.

5.1. Design processes and product improvement.
5.2. Phases: study, development, planning.
5.3. Project development and product manufacturing. Phases: CAD / CAM / CAE.
5.4. Standardization in design and production.
5.5. Quality management systems.
Block 6. Manufacturing procedures.

6.1. Manufacturing techniques and procedures.
6.2. New technologies applied to manufacturing processes.
6.3. 3d print.

The main objective of this project is that our students become aware of the amount of energy and raw materials necessary to create a container and as with the recycling of these we can significantly reduce energy consumption.

To help with recycling, our students are asked to design and build a machine capable of compacting soda cans for storage and subsequent transportation to a recycling center.
The idea is to start from a very basic but functional model that will be improved until it is equipped with all the functions and safety measures necessary for safe use in schools.
This work methodology, known as an incremental model, allows students to see results quickly which motivates them to continue advancing in their objectives.


3. Basic example

For information purposes, since we want the students to design the machine, a scheme of a pneumatic circuit is provided that performs the function we are looking for.

This circuit needs to be improved, incorporating sensors and intelligent control through Arduino. These improvements will provide the model with safety measures that make its use suitable in a school.

Basically it is a single acting pneumatic cylinder controlled by a 3/2 valve with pilot operation via push-button and spring return.

Arduino will check if there are cans to crush, using ultrasound or infrared sensors, and actuate the cylinder through the use of relays.

In addition, the machine must have protective measures so that its use does not pose any risk.


4. Material necessary for the development of the project.

Once the circuit is designed and tested in virtual simulators, we need to assemble a prototype. For this, all pneumatic components that are normally supplied with pneumatic trainers (Cylinders, distribution valves, Compressor, Maintenance unit, solenoid valves… ..) will be used.
We show in the following images the necessary elements to assemble different designed prototypes.


As an element of control, an Arduino board and various sensors and actuators will be used. These elements will allow us to control the circuit and provide them with the necessary security measures.

The concretion of all the necessary material will depend on the designs that are made, due to this, it is necessary to have a complete equipment for the practices of pneumatic circuits in addition to various Arduino boards, sensors and actuators.


5. Methodology.

The methodology we are going to use is the Project Method.

Starting from a problem, students must seek information and propose several ideas that can solve it, once discussed in a group, the best idea is chosen and developed.
A first prototype is designed, and it is planned how we will build it, for this, a list of necessary materials and tools is made as well as the order of the operations to be carried out and who will perform them.
Once our prototype is built, we evaluate it and check if it solves our problem.

As you can see, the project method gives students the necessary tools to develop a product, which solves a problem or satisfies a need. All this knowledge can be extrapolated to everyday life and are highly valued in the workplace.








Economy Quizlet test

One of the objetives of this project is to create new tools to teach economy. The quiztest is a good tool to test the students concepts and offer many options to prepare this questions like word filling, Pairs selection and true/false questions

Our colleage Ildikó from BGZSC in Budapest has prepared this quizlet which is pretty complete about differents economy concepts which is very interesting and i recomend it to be used.






Today l did it!

BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

C4 Meeting, Bucharest, Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The theme of the meeting in Bucharest




On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, we received information from a representative of the largest international organization for economic and entrepreneurial education, Junior Achievement-Romania through Mrs. Cristina Alice Duţu, Senior Manager, regarding social entrepreneurship projects. I have noticed that there is a deal about this type of project and the range of concerns. For example, SOCIAL INNOVATION RELAY is a project supported by JA-Romania through which high school students from different countries participate in a competition of innovative business concepts based on social needs or issues.




The project aims to give high school students access to the practical experience and entrepreneurial expertise needed to start a successful career and facilitate their communication with business professionals so that they:

  • to gain a better understanding of the concepts of innovation and social entrepreneurship in an interactive and practical way;
  • be more aware of existing social problems at local and global level;
  • develop team work skills, creative thinking, problem-solving ability and decision-making.

This practical experience helps them establish connections between the theory and the requirements of everyday life.


An example of the Partner Networks in the field of entrepreneurship was presented to us by Prof. Dr. Manuela Mocanu Jaber, through the dissemination of the NETINVET project.

How do we create partner networks with the business environment of entrepreneurs? – there have been experiences shared by our high school students and their coordinators following the practice internships in the country and outside the country.

BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

C4 Meeting, Bucharest, Thursday , January 21, 2019


The theme of the meeting in Bucharest




On Thursday we also discovered the world of stories and the realms of dreams by visiting two castles: Bran Castle and Peles Castle but also by admiring the wonderful landscape of the Carpathian arch. We have also seen tourism entrepreneurs at home, a subject of reflection on the challenges of Romanian tourism. The full winter snow over the snowy layer or even the frozen rain and the sky did not diminish the college’s fascination with the beauties offered by the Prahova Valley.


BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

C4 Meeting, Bucharest, Monday, January 21, 2019


The theme of the meeting in Bucharest


21.01 2019

After the presentation of the school and the guests, the activities of the first day – Monday, January 21 – continued with the SWOT Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship, materialized by the Romanian team, which was a basis for discussion for our partners as well as for the guests. They exemplified the activities carried out by each one in addition to one part of the analysis.



We visited some of the school’s cabinets and labs.



The Czech team has coordinated an initiation work-shop to use the eXeLearning program, a free software tool to create educational content. It allows the creation of easily navigable web pages, including text, images, interactive activities, image galleries, or multimedia clips. All educational materials generated with eXeLearning can be exported in different digital formats used independently or integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS), such as Moodle, which is why it is intended to use it to continue with the manual entrepreneurship this time in digital form.



We enjoyed the support we had from the Dean of the Spiru Haret University, Dr Mariana Iatagan, and the presence in our school of the TV reportage track TVH KIDS CHANNEL – a television dedicated to children and parents.

We completed the day’s information with the introduction in the history of our place, our school being in the vicinity of the zero kilometer of the capital, so from St. George’s Church Square we headed to the Historical Center Assembly, otherwise listed in the Historical Monuments List in 2010. In -a period decoration, preserving much of the history of Bucharest, the Old Court, Manuc’s Inn, the Stavropoleos and St. Anton churches, as many other old buildings have been in the spotlight of our invitations. The buildings on Lipscani Street were built mainly in the 19th century. the nineteenth century in the neo-classical and neo-baroque style completed the mute history of Bucharest.

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

C4 Meeting – Bucharest, January 21-25, 2019


The theme of the meeting in Bucharest 

Between 21-25 January 2019, the C4 meeting of the project with the number 2017-1-ES01-KA219-038420_2 of the ERASMUS + Program, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, took place in Bucharest, Romania the title:

“Designthinking: social entrepreneurship between european schools”.

  • The meeting took place at the Superior School of Commerce “Nicolae Kretzulescu”, Bucharest, the organizing team consisting of:
  • Mirela Nicoleta Dinescu, school principal, coordinator of the projects and educational programs
  • teacher Phd Maria Ionescu, director adjunct, expert monitorizare,
  • Luminiţa Dominica Moise, coordonatorul proiectului la nivelul școlii,
  • Ruxandra Cristea, responsabil promovare și diseminare,
  • teacher Phd Teodora Valentina Chiac, Maria Vasilescu, drd. Cătălin Hănțulie, profesori experți în activități de antreprenoriat și activități de educație financiară,
  • teacher Valentina Nina Barabaș, prof. Stanciu Laura Zoe-. coordinating expert for inclusion and interculturality activities and responsible communication

They also participated in the workshop: Prof. Dr. Manuela Mocanu Jaber (Dissemination of NETINVET project), Prof. Daniela Paraschiv together with a group of students participating in the Erasmus + KA1 VET project “BENCHMARKING INNOVATIVE in Technological Education and Tourism for Sustainable European Cooperation” and students coordinated by teacher Phd. Chiac Teodora Valentina.

We enjoyed the presence in our school of  Elena Gurgu, Associate Professor PhD and  Miltiade Stanciu, Associate Professor PhD from “Spiru Haret” University ( Spiru Haret University -USH)

as well as Mrs. Cristina Alice Duţu, Senior Manager of Junior Achievement Romania.(Junior Achievement România)

Detailed Schedule C4

We had the pleasure of attending a seminar at the Financial Supervisory Authority, an institution that aims to ensure the stability, competitiveness and orderly functioning of the financial instruments markets, to promote confidence in these markets and to invest in financial instruments, and to ensure the protection of operators and investors against unfair, abusive and fraudulent practices.

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară (ASF)  

The objectives of this meeting :

  • Researching the link between school-based competences and business requirements;
  • Investigating the skills needed for problem-based learning;
  • How to create partner networks in social entrepreneurship;
  • Dissemination and presentation of teaching units;
  • Learning to use the Exelearning program to build educational resources;
  • Acquiring analytical techniques from business;
  • presenting examples of good practice in the field of entrepreneurship in each country;
  • Preparing and proposing activities for the next C5 meeting in Bucharest;
  • Creating opportunities for the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills within the international partnership;
  • Improving cooperation and friendship between our centers;
  • Sharing work methodologies, experiences and ideas;
  • Improving ICT training;
  • Acquiring information about the European business network;
  • Analysis of the results of the C3 assessment meeting;
  • Deepening young people’s collaborative techniques in entrepreneurship.




Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA