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European Quality Label Award for schools

IES Playamar school and the DTSE Erasmus project have been awarded with the European Quality Label Award for schools.

European Quality Label Award for schools are granted to schools with excellent Erasmus projects. They indicate that the project has reached a certain national and European standard.


Thanks to all of you, teachers and sturdents,  who have worked to archieve this award .



DTSE web Stats

In total, 243,877 interactions were counted during the completion of the project

Data Origin

These data have been made from the record of visits provided by Strato our hosting which can be consulted in csv here:

raw visits stats in and  or here

This document can be downloaded in pdf

Interations Web Stats in English visitas dtse dtse stats English

Inteacciones y estadisticas en Castellano visitas dtse

Briefing :

24859 visits to the root of the website and 216723 visits to the entire website

6644 visits to the root of the website and 27154 visits to the entire website

in total 216723+ 27154 = 243,877 interactions

Year and Monthly Stats of

In the following table you can see the visits by months and years of the  and web project and a graph with its evolution


Year and Monthly Stats of

In the following table you can see the visits by months and years of the web project and a graph with its evolution



Austrian Digital Business Award in April 2019

One of the dtse of social entrepreneurship Projects in the Hak High school won the second  price in the digital entrepreneurship projects in the Austrian National Contest “Austrian Digital Business Award in April 2019”.

HAK Weiz won the second place with the project “Beesmart“.  IT students developped a scale for beehives which shows changes in weight in an app as well as temperature and wind.

So the beekeeper can monitor his beehives from home.

Presentation of the project.



eTwinning Quality Label Award

Our Site and activities in Etwinning Platform have been awarded with the eTwinning Quality Label Award.

eTwinning Quality Labels are granted to teachers with excellent eTwinning projects. They indicate that the project has reached a certain national and European standard.


Thanks to all of you, teachers and sturdents,  who have worked to archieve this award .



Czech Students experience DTSE Erasmus+

Czech Students experience in DTSE Erasmus+ Project


Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+

Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+ Project Alin S. M.

Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+ Project Cristina M.D.

Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+ Project Vlad B.

Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+ Project Henri V. D.H.

Romanian Students experience DTSE Erasmus+ Project Alex M.


DTSE Magazines

We have recopilated most of the information generated in the DTSE Project in this web and in several Magazines which shows the most important aspects of the Project

01 Workshops in the DTSE Project Magazine

02 Awards in the DTSE Project Magazine

03 Congress organized by the DTSE Project Magazine

04 “Expositions and fairs where have participated the DTSE Project” Magazine

05 Conferences organized by the DTSE Project Magazine

06 “Partners who have collaborated with the DTSE Project” Magazine



DTSE in Mass Media

One of the more important archivements in the DTSE Project have been the newspapers reviews.

Thanks to the importance of ours partners and the good work of DTSE Team , more than 120 references in national/ international press have been released.

C1 Mobility in Mass Media

Interviews on Torremolinos tv

Bucharest Meeting and visit to the romanian stock exchange in the mass media


Ecie (DTSE) and Edufinet Signs an Collaboration Agreement

Ecie (DTSE) and Edufinet Signs an Collaboration Agreement

In written Press

Impact  of  Edufinet Congress in the Mass media

This congress had a very important impact in internacional especialized Mass Media and regional newspapers like we can see in this links

10 de noviembre de 2018

12 de  noviembre de 2018

19 de noviembre de 2018

20 de  noviembre de 2018

21 de noviembre de 2018

22 de noviembre de 2018

23 de noviembre de 2018

30 de noviembre de 2018

1 de diciembre de 2018


C2 Budapest: Congress in Mass Media

20 International References to C2 Budapest Congress in Mass Media




More than 100.000 interactions *

We are happy to notify that we have reached more than 100.000 interactions with our project  ¡¡¡¡

Mass Media: 120 articles in national International reviews. ¿number of Interactions?

Twitter: Counting only the Twitter notifications with a TwitterReduccion 2%  (the twitter algorithm usually only lets you reach the 2% of your followers)

4500 users x 300 post  x TwitterReduccion (2%)  = 27000 twitter interactions web stats = 75000 visits.

07 Stats dtse

= More than 100.000 interactions * 🙂

It’s very posible that they will be by far more because the interations in the

  • Mass Media
  • Etwinning channel
  • Soundcloud channel
  • Youtube channel
  • and others

Congratulations DTSE Team ¡¡¡


Video Spanish Students Erasmus Experience

Our students have prepared a Video presentation of what has mean this project for them.