Monthly Archive May 2019


Technology Award in Fantec Fair

As we told in last post,  On 24/ 05 / 2019 Our  students of the DTSE Erasmus Project participated in the Fantec  Exhibition, a science fair organized by the University of Málaga.

Our students got an award for its projects in entrepreneurship using Arduino Technology and got a set of Arduino and Electronics devices as prize

We take a 360 shot of the comunications of the prize

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA


Fantec Exhibition University of Malaga

On 24/ 05 / 2019 Our  students of the DTSE Erasmus Project participated in the Fantec  Exhibition, a science fair organized by the University of Malaga.

The passion for technologies will bring together more than 5,000 participants in FANTEC 2019. The V Andalusian Technology Fair (FANTEC ‘ 19) will take place on Friday 24 May 2019 in the E.T.S. of computer Engineering and telecommunication engineering E.T.S.. More than 5,000 attendees, 350 projects and 170 schools, companies and institutions throughout the Andalusian community will participate this year in the event

Our Students present our entrepreneurial projects in the context of the development of new technologies.

From this lines we would like to thanks the organization for this wonderful task.


Economy Quizlet test

One of the objetives of this project is to create new tools to teach economy. The quiztest is a good tool to test the students concepts and offer many options to prepare this questions like word filling, Pairs selection and true/false questions

Our colleage Ildikó from BGZSC in Budapest has prepared this quizlet which is pretty complete about differents economy concepts which is very interesting and i recomend it to be used.




M3 Conference About the social face of education : The refugees classroom.

In  14 / 05 / 2019, first day of M3 meeting in Austria, from 10:30 to 12:00, Austrian team organized a conference with the tutor of the Refugees classroom.

This conference was part also of the programmed activity A7 Entrepreneurship and Multiculturalism.

Mr Thomas Klamingan, Tutor of this class,  explained us the way the Austrian goberment is triying to improve the situation of this students with this special education for the integration .

Students from Iraq, Somalia, Syria  and  other countries explined us their experience as refugees and as integration students and the differences of culture and in the school that they had found in Austria.  It was a really interesting conference.

From this lines we would like to thank them for this.

We take this nice 360 shot

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA



M3 1st Working Session: Presentation of the Final Products.

In  14 / 05 / 2019, first day of M3 meeting in Austria, from 14:30 to 17:30. The dtse project team developed a Working session about the Presentation of the Final Products.

Dtse Project have worked more than 100 teachers, in this session coordinators put in common the final products that have been developed in the project, The ones which were obligatory and included in the project and many others that have been developed as side products but very  interesting.

The products that we remarked were

Every Coordinator speaked about the work that they had developed in each of the final products.





M3 Welcome and Presentation of the School

In  14 / 05 / 2019 first day of M3 meeting at 9:00 to 10:30, Austrian team organized the Welcome and Presentation of the School Session.One of the objetives of the project is to learn the good practices of each school and our Austrian colleages,  show us interesting classrooms and methodologies that they uses in their lessons.

The school also granted us this with these nice presents to the tachers participating in the meeting.

We take this beutiful 360 shot in the Science Class room.

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA


M3 2nd Working Session: Elaboration of Final Report

In  15 / 05 / 2019, second day of M3 meeting in Austria, from 9:00 to 11:30. The dtse project team developed a Working session about the Elaboration of Final Report .

Final Report is a chagenging task and more experienced colleages helped others about the information that they must fill in in this form.

Also we worked about some issues.





M3 3rd Working Session: Diffusion of the Project

In  16 / 05 / 2019, third day of M3 meeting in Weiz, Austria, from 9:00 to 15:30.  The dtse project team developed a Working session about the  Diffusion of the Project for the Elaboration of Final Report .

In this summit, Each country prepared and awnsered many questions regarding the final questions of the project.

Some of the Diffusion channels that we discused were

Also we remarked our apparitions in National Newspapers





Last meeting in Weiz, Austria


DTSE’s 2-year-long programme is just about to come to an end. This project is about how young people become entrepreneurs.

Last meeting was taken in Weiz, Austria in May. We worked a lot but the programs were excellent. Beside the official program we visited Chocolate Museum in Riegersburg and the trip to Graz was very good.

All in all, we are satisfied with the program because it offered useful and memorable projects during the 2 years it ran. That’s why it was difficult to say good bye to participants after the farewell dinner last day. We have done a lot of interesting things together. All the countries involved in the Social Entrepreneurship Project attempted to try to find ways of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge gained at schools and practical skills necessary at workplaces, which scenario encouraged the mutually beneficial sharing of good practices among participants.

We involved a lot of students in the programme but unfortunately only a few students travelled to other the countries to visit participants. These visits were very fruitful. Since then, the students keep in touch on FB and WhatsApp.

We organised 2 conferences in Budapest: organisation was a hard job but it was worth the effort professionally. Students and my colleagues were very helpful, enthusiastic and motivated during the conferences programmes.

During the formal and informal programs, we could discuss many professional, cultural and educational issues with the participants.

The objective of this project was to developing students’ recognition of the practical and theoretical aspects of their professional knowledge in the fields of entrepreneurship and communication.

The future continuation of this project is envisaged.



M3 Cultural Visit to Riegersburg and Zotter

In  16 / 05 / 2019, Second day of M3 meeting in Austria, from 14:30 to 21:00 as part as the objetive of learning the cultural context of each patner,  we have a guided tour in the Riegersburg castle and the Zotter Chocolate Museum.

The Zotter Chocolate Museum is an example of social entrepreneurship , its owner has rised a millon bussines with the fair trade of chocolate and the high quality products developing the local economy and giving a fair job to many families in the undeveloped countries.

Riegersburg is one of the more important defensive castles of central europe and visit it is like a revive the history of europe. all an experience.

We take these nice 360 shots.

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA