C1 Mobility Spain
The Mobility C1 was celebrated in the IES PLAYAMAR of Torremolinos, Spain
In this link you can download the activities planning which where held in this meeting
C1: Combined mobility of students. Headquarters: Spain
How to make a business plan
Students had a great time during the project week as they could get to know each other through the diversified groupings. During the first day, they had to analyze data concerning the ten-year-existence of the school. On the second day, the day of the anniversary had to be planned including a website and programs for the event. The budget and the advertisement had to be designed as well. The last day, the spokesmen of the teams had to introduce their presentations to the audience: the jury and the schoolmates. Evolving a facade along a business plan proved to be more difficult than it seemed to be at the first glance, but practice makes perfect. The aim of the task was to try themselves in the world of work with being engaged effectively in teams. This close co-operation is an essential skill in the world of business nowadays.
The second semester of the school year 2017-2018 began with the dissemination of the C1 mobility of our project. The participating team reported the activities of the week 20-26 of January 2018. They also presented to their colleagues the CANVAS method – a useful startup tool.
On first day of C1 Mobility , we held the Model Creativity Workshop, Canvas, an essential element in both communication and business initiative.
Design Thinking: Social Entrepreneurship between European Schools
Planning Activity c1 Spain
Hi! I’m Donát Gerencsér, a student at Budapest Centere of Economic Vocational Training BGSZC. My school is participating in an Erasmus+ project, which is called „Social Entrepreneurship between European Schools”. This project has several activitys in different countries. The first activity (for the students) took place in Torremollinos, Spain. We spent a beautiful and very useful week in Spain, so let me sum up my thoughts, impressions and ideas about this week.
DAY 1.
(22.01.18, Monday)
In the morning, we met the students from other participating countries. We took pictures with the national flags and we started to make friends. An hour later, we started a workshop about self- employment vs. social business. We shared our thoughts about the advantages and disadvantages, of both business forms. It was really exciting to hear other teenagers’ ideas about business.
After this workshop, we had a coffee break. This break is a really social event in Spain. All of the students went (maybe the “ran” word would be a better expression) to the courtyard to play basketball, football or just to chit-chat with their friends. I had to introduce myself to almost everyone, but it was interesting to speak 1 or 2 sentences to a lot of people. I’m pretty sure, that I’ve made many more friends in this 15 minutes than at home during a month or a longer period 😀 .I was really happy, that the Spanish students were so friendly, so I couldn’t feel that I was lonely.
Then, we continued the workshop, but the topic was a bit different. We had to make a CANVAS. It’s a business planner help or something like that. If you are about to start your new business, this thing helps you to define your key partners, key activities, channels, key resources, etc. At the beginning, we spoke about things in general, and afterwards, we created teams and we made our business’s canvas.
The third and also the last workshop in Monday was a presentation about the efficient presentations. We learned, that we have to define our presentation’s audience, prepare for the presentation with this audience in mind and at last but not least we learnt that we have to maintain their interest during the presentation. At the end of the workshop, we did an elevator pitch; we to tried to convince our investors about our business idea with in- maximum 2 minutes.
This day was very useful, we could get an insight into the start of a business project. I was a bit tired after this, but I have to say, that this day was really worth all the energy.
We said goodbye to the day in the company of the workers of Andalucía Emprende.
Many thanks to them!
Day 2
(23.01.18, Tuesday)
This day was all about Granada. We had to wake up at 5:40 to arrive in time. Usually, I’m not an early bird, but it was worth getting up for this day. (The bus left at 6:40.)
Our first stop was the “Alhambra”
This is a palace and a fortress complex. It was originally constructed as a small fortress in AD 889 on the remains of Roman fortifications, and then the building was largely ignored until its ruins were renovated and rebuilt in the mid-13th century by Nasrid emir Mohammed ben Al-Ahmar of the Emirate of Granada, who built its current palace and walls. It was converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada. After the conclusion of the Christian Reconquista in 1492, the site became the Royal Court of Ferdinand and Isabella (where Christopher Columbus received royal endorsement for his expedition), and the palaces were partially altered in the Renaissance style.
The view and the feeling were indescribable. (By the way Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so maybe that’s the reason why, :D)
After visiting this beautiful place, we continued our trip to Parque de las Ciencias.
Here we saw an exhibition about the human body, watched a special bird show and in the Planetarium we learned, how the stars ‘work’.
And at the end of the day, we climbed “Mirador de San Nicolas” to take some beautiful pictures from the Alhambra.
Day 3
(24.01.18, Wednesday)
In the afternoon, we participated in a programme called Financial Education. This was organised by the Edufinext team.
We learnt a lot about financial things like investments, loans etc. and how they work. We had to answer questions, for this we needed a little competitive spirit.
After the presentaion, we heard a lecture about the Andalusia Technological Park (PTA) and the development of this engineering enterprise as a successfull entrepreneurship case.
Later, we had an awesome snack time on the rooftop of the company’s building. Many thanks for that also! 😀 .
In the afternoon we went to Museum Pompidú, which is a modern art museum. It was pretty great.
When we finished the guided tour, we took some pictures in the port of Málaga. The sunset was just incredible.
Day 4
(25.01.18, Thursday)
Thursday was the day of the workshops.
We had an E-twinning and Radio Podcast workshop with a Spanish teacher called Alfonso. It was really useful, I hope that we will use these skills in the future.
After these activities a really elegant guy came, and he spoke about the importance of golf in the sustainable development of the Costa del Sol.
He asked us, if we liked golf? We replied by saying maybe or no. His answer was: We will see that this will change after an hour of golf.
So, in five minutes we were on the way to the golf centre. We tried to do our best on the fields.
For lunch, we got a traditional Spanish food called paella. It was really tasty.
In the evening we could cheer for Basket Unicaja. This basketball match was really exciting even if Unicaja lost. I have to say, that Spanish people can cheer very well! :D.
Day 5
(26.01.18, Friday)
We spent our last day in Málaga and visited the Polo Digital ( a place for young programmers), the Museum of Málaga, and the Acazaba (Málaga’s fortress).
Short Summary
We had a pretty great time in Spain. We learned a lot about business and financial issues. I think that this project was very useful for teenagers and this week also proves that. I’m really glad, that I could participate in this project.
From 21. 1. 2018 to 26. 1. 2018 we spend time with our teachers (Monika Kubiszova and Zdenek Matus) in Spain in the city named Torremolinos thanks of activities C1 – program Erasmus+. Some of us lived in Spanish families, others in a hotel but all of had the chance to communicate in foreign language with students and teachers from Spain, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria and Italy. The whole week we were getting to know Spanish culture and taking part in workshops about social entrepreneurship. During the workshops we were working in groups and we had to talk in English. Besides Torremolinos we also visited Granada and Malága.
On the first day we were mostly at school working in different workshops (we learned for example the method CANVAS, coaching, the creating websites) There we discussed how to run business work together.
On Tuesday we went on trip to Granada, where we visited La Alhambra (medieval complex of places belonging to Arabic sovereigns), Parque de las Ciencias (interactive museum of science and technique), The centre of Granada and Mirador de San Nicolás with the beautiful view on the city.
On Wednesday we had another workshop named Financial education for entrepreneurs. The workshop was held in the financial centre of Malága and it was a presentation about finances in everyday life. We had participate actively because we voted in different cases to choose the right way how to solve financial problems. After the presentation ended we went to company Ingenia. That company has already 25 years. They told us how the company had grown up. After that we saw one of the greatest exhibitions in the museum Pompidú.
On Thursday morning we were at school again (workshops Podcast Radio and how to use E-twinning), then we had a class of golf, where we had a chance to try a traditional Spanish dish Paella.
Our last evening was very exciting because we had the opportunity to watch a basketball match between Spanish teams Unicaja and Baskonia. During our trip we gained a lot of experiences and it also gave us the opportunity to talk with people from other countries.
Jana Blažková, Lucie Skýpalová, Natalie Kladivová (students of 2.A)
Erasmus project DTSE in “20minutos” newspaper.
“20minutos” Newspaper is the most important free diary in Spain, They describe this important financial educational activity in its pages
Unicaja.- Estudiantes europeos asisten en Málaga a una jornada de educación financiera impulsada por Unicaja
One of our C1 activities in Spain, the Educational Financial workshop made by Unicaja educational service has been remarked in the Economy magazine “ECONOMíA DE HOY -. ”
Unicaja promueve la educación financiera entre estudiantes de seis países europeos | Formación | ECONOMíA DE HOY –
We would like to thanks “ECONOMíA DE HOY ” Magazine for its attention.
La Opinion de Malaga is one of the most important newspaper in Malaga and Andalucia Region. They have commented the importance of our project and the activities developed.
Estudiantes de seis países reciben formación financiera con Edufinet
We would like to thanks “La Opinion de Malaga” Newspaper for its attention.
DTSE in “El Economista” Newspaper.
One of our C1 activities in Spain, the Educational Financial workshop made by Unicaja educational service has been remarked in the diary section of the Economy newspaper “El Economista. ” El Ecodiario.
Unicaja.- Estudiantes europeos asisten en Málaga a una jornada de educación financiera impulsada por Unicaja – EcoDiario.es
We would like to thanks “El Economista” Newspaper for its attention.
Our Education Financial conference has been remarked in the National diary “la razon. ”
Proyecto Edufinet: acercando las finanzas a los jóvenes europeos
We would like to thanks la Razon Newspaper for its attention.