Bank of Projects

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3D tools for visually handicapped people – Czech team

In our project Social entrepreunership  we tried to make two 3D tools for visually handicapped people.

We colaborated with students 4th grade students. We made two specific tables.

The first one it was a table for teaching of reading for blind persons. Our students worked in Tinkercad program – online free software. The table of reading for blind persons contains particular signs of Roman alphabet and corresponding grid of six points organized in the form of rectangle 2×3 centimetres. On each of these six points there is  o there is not the protruding spot (embossed). This is the way how to encode 64 alphabetical signs.  The blind reader  senses these signs by touch. The second tool is a table of various shapes (e. g.  rectangle, star, circle, etc.) The blind person can to identify these shapes. We donated these printed tables to blind citizens in our town.

Our students liked this activity and we would like to make a memory game called “pexeso“ for blind people.


Smoke sensor and Temperature Sensor

Explaining some thecnical details of one the students projects : “Smoke sensor and Temperature Sensor  in Arduino” .

Smoke sensor

Temperature Sensor


Start-up: Intelligent irrigation System

One of the Objetives of this project was to show the students the importance of social entrepreneurship, to accomplish it students developed a bank of ideas in canvas model, and the best ideas were implemented.

This Intelligent irrigation System  is an startup which aims develop a Solution to prevent fires in the forest.

The process was

1. Selection of the idea by canvas between the bank of ideas
2. Design of the technical solution
3. Implementation of the hardware using arduino in collaboration between the social brach and technical brach classrooms
4 Implementation of the programation using App inventor
5. Presentation of idea by the Students.

Model Canvas:Intelligent irrigation System

One of the students of Each country which goes to C5 Romania must fills its part of this Collaborative canvas about Intelligent irrigation System

You can Download the canvas here :

canvas model-irrigation system





Mobile App design

IT Students developed an Appinventor mobile app to control the machine called Inteligent Watering System

Presentation of the project in C5 Mobility Bucharest

By Alin & Jasmin



Start-up: Intelligent independent fire alarm

One of the Objetives of this project was to show the students the importance of social entrepreneurship, to accomplish it students developed a bank of ideas in canvas model, and the best ideas were implemented.

This Fire Alarm Detector is an startup which aims develop a Solution to prevent fires in the forest.

The process was

1. Selection of the idea by canvas.
2. Design of the technical solution
3. Implementation of the hardware using arduino in collaboration between the social brach and technical brach classrooms
4 Implementation of the programation using App inventor
5. Presentation of idea by the Students.

1. Bussines Model

Model Canvas:Intelligent independent fire alarm.

One of yhe students of Each country which goes to C5 Romania must fills its part of this Collaborative canvas about Intelligent independent fire alarm. 

You can Download the canvas here :

canvas model-fire control system


4. Mobile App design

IT Students developed an Appinventor mobile app to control the machine called FireAlarm.


3. Implementation of the machine

This machine have been implemented using an arduino protoboard and tempererature sensors which connects with an mobile app made with app inventor


5. Presentation of the Project and the product in C5 Mobility Bucharest



C2 Budapest: Inteligent Irrigation by Arduino Project Presentation

In last C3 Meeting in Budapest, Our Student Jasmin T. has presented this Conference about the importance of sustenibilty of the resources like water in a presentation titled: “WATER, A SCARCE GOOD” and the Arduino project which will be developed for inteligent irrigation.

You can see it here: Presentation



C2 Workshop How to make a Business Canvas in Technology

Romanian Team prepared this workshop to show how to make a Business Canvas in Technology in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest.

You can download it here.


C2 Budapest: Conference Opencoesione Project

Italy Team  prepared and presented the Opencoesione Project Presentation in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest

You can download it here.



Italy Presentazione opencoesione


C2 Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions Presentation

Students of Hungary Team  prepared this conference about this startup Company to  “Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions ”

Hungary Team  Team  prepared and presented this Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions  Project Presentation in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest

You can download it here.

Hungary – Transportation of bio vegetables to educational institutions



C2 Conference about the JA company & Non-Profit Organizations

Some of the teams presented a showcase about the startup that they were developing.

The aim of the company was to develop high quality cosmetic products which should be sold and the benefits would go to a Non-Profit Organizations.

The Czech R. Team  prepared and presented this “Non-Profit Organizations” in colaboration with the JA company. 

This Presentation was made in in the last C2 Meeting which was held in Budapest

You can download it here.

Czech R Team Non-Profit Organizations JA company




C2 Budapest: Social Entrepreneurship Presentation

The Austrian Team has worked in this four Startups projects in Social Entrepreneurship

  • Back2Bag Startup
  • Relax Startup
  • Give away Startup
  • Green Mosquito Startup

Relax Startup about Spa Services

Give away Startup Delivery Food

Back2Bag Startup about Social Fashion

Green Mosquito Startup

Fair Trade products in colaboration with NGO’s

In the last C2 Meeting which was held in  Budapest, the Austrian Team  make this Social Entrepreneurship Presentation.

Austria Social Entrepreneurship