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Ecie and Edufinet Signs an Collaboration Agreement

One of the most important Objectives of the DTSE Project is the sustainability. ECIE  is the association which lies behind the sustainability of DTSE Project, this association will assure that the project will go on.

Edufinet is a very important initiative to improve the financial education in Spain so this  Collaboration Agreement means a great opportunity for both to develop our mission.

This agreement has a very important repercussion in the Spanish national press both in digital and written.

Digital press


Written press


BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

Collaboration with Financial Education and Entrepreneurship Projects in Kretzulescu

One of the more important objetives of the project is the colaboration with local entities to assure the sustainability.

In The SSCN Kretzulescu during the course 2017/2018 Yhe dtse project and the school will colaborate with this companyes

Our students have been involved in the following activities:

  1. PILOT PROJECT – an extended non-bank financial education program, an educational program for pupils in pre-university education at the level of the 9th and 10th grades, which enables them to understand concepts related to the ASF-regulated markets through learning by doing activities in school.
  2. CEC Bank – ANTRENORS FOR FUTURE ENTERPRISES was a fruitful collaboration between CEC Bank and our school during the school year.
  3. The Exercise Companies Fair. “FRESH food, not FAST food.”

The main purpose of the Exercise Firm Fair “FRESH food, not FAST food” is to inform young people about healthy eating by promoting healthy lifestyle and awareness of the benefits of healthy, balanced and varied eating in the organization of virtual business.


OpenCoesion Initiative collaboration

Collaborate with local initiatives is an objetive of the DTSE Erasmus Project, in this like G.A.Pischedda School started a collaboration with the OpenCoesion Initiative.

  1. OpenCoesion is the open government initiative on Italian cohesion policy, managed by the Department for Cohesion Policy at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.  

OpenCoesion leverages on all open government dimensions and promotes an increased involvement of citizens, government, businesses, researchers and the media for a more efficient and effective use of cohesion funds.

Cohesion policy has the objective of reducing territorial disparities by:

  • supporting job creation,
  • business competitiveness,
  • economic growth,
  • sustainable development
  • improving citizens’ quality of life.

The Open Cohesion activity started in November 2017; participating students are the 4^E class Administration, Finance and Marketing, coordinating by Prof. Rita Murdeu and Serafina Manca, teachers of Economy;


Activity on “The EU new Privacy Regulation”

Conference-Collaboration with Italian Data Protection Authority

As a part of DTSE project,  Students will recibe formation about the important subjets in entrepreneurship, and one of the most worries for companies are “the Data Protections Laws”

On 19thMay, 60 students take part in a conference on “The EU new Privacy Regulation”, organized by the President of Rotary Club, Prof. Emma Cucca, in collaboration with the Italian Data Protection Authority  and his President Mr. Antonello Soro.

The Italian Data Protection Authority is an independent authority, set up to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in connection with the processing of personal data, and to ensure respect for individuals’ dignity.

The Authority has been active from its inception (in 1997) in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of our Country. Special importance should be attached to the provisions made in respect of health care, employment, banking, insurance, journalism, telecommunications, video surveillance, marketing, and public administrative agencies.

The new Privacy Regulation will be operational as of May 25, 2018.

With the new regulation will change the rules for those who are to handle personal data: for example, telephone companies, public administrations and any company with which the user will be to sign a contract containing his personal data.

The new Privacy Regulation will impose stringent obligations and will introduce new responsibilities aimed at ensuring greater security measures to protect personal data.

The regulation introduces clearer rules on disclosure and consent, defines the limits to automated processing of personal data, and also establishes strict criteria (and sanctions) in cases of personal data breaches.

The Regulation will replace the Privacy Code currently in force in Italy, recognizing important and broad rights to citizens and imposing a strong responsibility on companies and the Public Administration. It will introduce legislation on uniform and valid privacy across Europe addressing innovative topics (such as, for example, the right to be forgotten). In this regard, not all have yet understood the scope of the new discipline and, therefore, the adjustment processes are slow and sometimes perceived as mere bureaucratic aggravations. We therefore try to understand the most important changes that will be introduced by the new Regulation and therefore what will change in May 2018 in terms of privacy. Index

1 Privacy: the new legislation

2 Privacy: data expiring

3 Privacy: the purposes of the new legislation

4 Privacy: how is it protected?

5 Privacy: who is responsible for the protection of personal data?

6 Privacy: what is the right to be forgotten?

7 Privacy and new sanctions