didactic units

Informations related to

didactic units:

Economy Quizlet test

One of the objetives of this project is to create new tools to teach economy. The quiztest is a good tool to test the students concepts and offer many options to prepare this questions like word filling, Pairs selection and true/false questions

Our colleage Ildikó from BGZSC in Budapest has prepared this quizlet which is pretty complete about differents economy concepts which is very interesting and i recomend it to be used.





C4 Collaborative Activity: Didactic Units as Open sources in education

One of the final products of this project is the creation of a set of Didactic Units in Open sources . n this activity,  we detalied some common points about the development of the Didactic Units about financial education which will be developed by each team.

And the common ideas about Etwinning use of them.

We agreed to make the didactics units in Exelearning so that they  could be easily reused and integrated in elearning modules like moodle.