SSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Bucarest


SSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Bucarest

Scoala Superioara Comerciala Nicolae Kretzulescu in Bucarest ,Romania.

The SSCNK in Bucharest is the first public economy school founded in Romania. More than 900 students attend the courses given by 70 teachers specialized in different subjects according to the Vocational Training curricula in the accounting, commerce, tourism and administration branches, level F3 (which would be equivalent to a higher education training cycle).

Since 2007, SSCNK has implemented secondary and post-secondary school education within the COMINTER program for technicians in international trade, level + F3.

At the local level, SSCNK has a good relationship with the circle-confederation of entrepreneurs, being authorized to give training courses, many of our teachers have participated in these programs; We collaborate with the Bucharest School Inspection by participating in a pilot program on innovation and quality of education in VET;

But our main strength is the network of collaboration with the Academy of Economic Studies and the circle of entrepreneurs.
Our students from the beginning of their training carry out internships in some of the centers or companies that make up the previous entities. A high percentage is finally working on them.
We are a center of reference in the field of educational innovation in professional training both nationally and internationally.

The SSCNK has collaborated with the National Center for the Development of Professional and Technological Education to develop VET curricula and evaluation standards within the LLP-TOI COMINTER and EURO-AST projects. In addition to these, SSCNK is a training center in the national network of economic secondary schools COMECOPART and in the international NETINVET network.

Our teachers have extensive experience in international projects, a high level of English and motivation
necessary to carry this type of projects.

Aspects of the center’s methodology that contribute to the achievement of the project’s objectives:
1) Innovative educational practices: The school is one of the first Romanian centers to organize fairs of training companies. It is a reference center in the promotion of entrepreneurship in Romania. Nationally awarded for projects developed by students in the economic area.
2) Acquisition of key competences: Digital competence. The teaching staff has experience in educational software development.

3) In addition, experience in international projects is provided.

Brief description of our experience in relevant areas of this project:
The constant and efficient participation in international projects has
demonstrated the good experience of our organization in the management of projects and the achievement of results in the educational process.
Our students and teachers participated in the development of projects in areas of economic science for which they were
awarded in various national competitions.

The school “Nicolae Kretzulescu” is one of the first organizers of fairs of training companies in our country and is also a reference center when promoting entrepreneurship and its introduction in Romanian schools.

Other skills and knowledge of the key people of our team for this project is that they have been tutors of VET teachers in secondary schools, tutors for the pedagogical training of university students who aspire to be future teachers, authors of textbooks and other materials curricula for the scientific area, educational software developers, international project coordinators, members of national and international networks, doctoral students in science
and economy.

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Alfonso@Playamar administrator

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