Six high schools are part of this proyect which aims to develop the designthinking and entreprenurship between young people to fight the unemployment.
IES Playamar is a Bilingual Secondary School located in Torremolinos, in the south of Spain. It was founded in 1998. It is an ICT center. This school year our educational center serves 912 students aged between 12 and 20 years old.
We offer ESO in fully bilingual (English) mode. And as post-compulsory education: Baccalaureate in the itineraries of Social, Humanities and Technology.
We also have two cycles of Vocational Training in the families of “Computer Systems and Networks” and “Electromechanics of Motor Vehicles in Dual Mode”.
The main problems of our context, based on the figures of the INE and the PISA report referenced to 2016 data, are:
-The high number of unemployed (22, 4%) and the consequent emigration.
-The growing number of students who leave school prematurely and the failure in education (25.8%, among the highest at the regional and national level)
-The low level of school performance (30%, among the highest at regional and national level)
Our school assists students from different socioeconomic contexts, and the training opportunities are not the same for everybody. We have a considerable number of immigrant students with special needs. Many families are not able to Give adequate support to your children in the school curriculum. These conditions lead to the direction and cloister of the school to take additional measures to balance them. We have a school accompaniment program during non-school hours in the center.
The school, as well as the region, possess an enormous natural heritage, in reality excessively exploited and deteriorated by the tourism and that, with the support of a good project, we are likely to make it sustainable by encouraging growth smart and inclusive (ET 2020). Through:
– Social Entrepreneurship, with a more efficient, supportive and responsible use of resources.
– Promoting inclusive growth through the promotion of multiculturalism among young people.
The teachers of the IES Playamar want to change this reality excessively dependent on seasonality and tourism.
Creating synergies, partnerships, initiatives that facilitate the start of a new development model, capable of giving an impulse, not only economic and sustainable, to our environment but also in solidarity.
A vision shared by all the partners of this project was that, to achieve success in its implementation, it was
It is necessary to guarantee a team of quality teachers, motivated and committed. Hence, we agreed on the following
criteria that we have applied in all schools of our association.
BHAK/BHAS center is a Handelsakademie. A center for Professional Training. Our main objective is business education and entrepreneurship. It is a priority set in the curriculum of each Handelsakademie in Austria.
The Weiz Business Academy is a business school with two main objectives: the acquisition of ICT skills and the teaching of languages. This is one of our great strengths. We teach 5 languages, students in addition to English and German must choose a third language (Spanish, French or Russian).
We have 400 students, half of them girls and half of them
Boys. Our students are between the ages of 14 and 19. The teaching staff totals 40 people.
We are located in Weiz, a town in Styria whose capital lies in Graz. Our identity as a small city at a relative distance from one of the largest cities in Austria has forced us to establish endogenous development strategies based on social entrepreneurship from the school that guarantee the employability of our students.
In fact the rate of unemployment of the graduates of a Handelsakademie is very low (the percentage among all the unemployed in Austria is around 1.8%). With this project we would like to collaborate in the promotion of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
We want to give our teachers and students the opportunity to cooperate with their European colleagues in the search for opportunities to
social entrepreneurship at the transnational level; to promote the mobility of our students to know the problems that they
Europe faces from other perspectives; to improve our educational practice through the exchange of experiences and
contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive economic and social growth.
What are the activities and experience of the partner organization in the relevant areas of this project? Which are the
skills or knowledge of the key people involved in this project?
Aspects of the methodology of our center that contribute to the achievement of the priorities and achievement of project objectives:
1) Entrepreneurship and business education is an essential part of the center plan.
2) Innovative practices that allow meaningful learning are carried out. Interdisciplinary projects for projects such as the creation of virtual junior companies.
3) A network of contacts with local companies has been consolidated (each course works with a company during the five years of training, companies give lectures and workshops and students visit these companies). Great experience in the analysis of the business situation in the area.
4) In addition, linguistic competence is a priority (teaching in five languages).
The secondary school “Mendelova” is located in the city of Novy Jicin (Czech Republic). Our center is structured in three areas of knowledge: the economy, ICT and health. We have 1,000 students and 90 teachers.
Our students they have ages between 14 and 19 years old. We teach five languages: English, German, Spanish, French and Russian.
The school building is well equipped with 9 IT labs, 1 laboratory fully equipped with tablets, digital whiteboards, 3D printer, etc. The students of the health sciences itinerary cooperate with the local hospital, Hospic, and other health centers.
Our school has two great strengths: First, information technologies. We are local references in Erasmus + subject of educational innovation.
Integrating CLIL (CLIL) into our Annual Action Plan for the teaching of programming, creation of web pages, office automation and Economics. Second, our school has a lot of experience in various projects Europeans (Comenius and Erasmus +).
Aspects of the center’s methodology that contribute to the achievement of the project’s objectives:
1) Promotion of youth employment: established contact network with hospitals and health centers in the area.
2) Innovative educational practices: Local reference in educational innovation. Integrating CLIL (CLIL) into the Annual Action Plan
for the teaching of programming, creation of web pages, office automation and Economics.
3) Linguistic competence is a priority (teaching in five languages).
4) All staff have extensive experience in international projects (Comenius, Leonardo and Erasmus +)
The team that will manage the project has a complementary profile: ICT teachers, English teachers, Pedagogy and
Financial .. The school has been approved at a European level to grant the EDCL test accreditation.
Bosa, where is located our educational center “GA Pischedda”, is a tourist city in the province of Oristano, on the northwest coast of Sardinia. This area has great environmental and natural resources; this magnificent heritage, is not really taken advantage of, due to the lack of synergies between different sectors.
The province is in a difficult socioeconomic condition as shown by a study: “L’Analisi Territorial e socioeconomica della Provincia di Oristano “published by SIL, in relation to the main indicators related to demography, the education, wealth, business productivity structure, tourism.
It is a general secondary school, consisting of 96 teachers, 57 people working in administration, assistants or technicians; the number of students is 600, the age range is between 14-19; It includes several itineraries: Classic; Scientific; Administration, finance and marketing technician.
It also offers Vocational Training in two families: Restoration and hotel accommodation; Farming, has a boarding school and a small farm. The socioeconomic profile of the students is low.
Many of our teachers have been working throughout their lives in this place. They need to face other realities, the dynamism of Europe and the world, requires us to be able to compare our methodological approach to teaching and to renew our work and life practices. A very large number of our students have never left Sardinia.
If we can not modernize our education system, the only thing we can share will be poverty and backwardness. Investment in education and training is undoubtedly the best way to promote development and well-being for all. The Cultural exchange multiplies knowledge and wealth.
Hence, since 2011, we established as a priority the internationalization of our curriculum through participation in numerous international programs.
With our participation in this project we want to initiate a new educational form oriented to:
– Improve business initiative, promote endogenous research and development from the opportunities of social enterprise that our territory offers.
– The creation of a more inclusive school.
– Promote a better teaching / learning context in school.
– Increase the participation of young people and families in the life of the school.
– Construction of active European citizenship.
Our educational center has its own strategic plan synthesized in two objectives:
-Internationalize the curriculum.
-Prepare young people for college and the world of work;
-We bring our extensive experience in international projects in recent years and the opportunities that our social, natural and cultural heritage offers for social entrepreneurship.
The SSCNK in Bucharest is the first public economy school founded in Romania. More than 900 students attend the courses given by 70 teachers specialized in different subjects according to the Vocational Training curricula in the accounting, commerce, tourism and administration branches, level F3 (which would be equivalent to a higher education training cycle).
Since 2007, SSCNK has implemented secondary and post-secondary school education within the COMINTER program for technicians in international trade, level + F3.
At the local level, SSCNK has a good relationship with the circle-confederation of entrepreneurs, being authorized to give training courses, many of our teachers have participated in these programs; We collaborate with the Bucharest School Inspection by participating in a pilot program on innovation and quality of education in VET;
But our main strength is the network of collaboration with the Academy of Economic Studies and the circle of entrepreneurs.
Our students from the beginning of their training carry out internships in some of the centers or companies that make up the previous entities. A high percentage is finally working on them.
We are a center of reference in the field of educational innovation in professional training both nationally and internationally.
The SSCNK has collaborated with the National Center for the Development of Professional and Technological Education to develop VET curricula and evaluation standards within the LLP-TOI COMINTER and EURO-AST projects. In addition to these, SSCNK is a training center in the national network of economic secondary schools COMECOPART and in the international NETINVET network.
Our teachers have extensive experience in international projects, a high level of English and motivation
necessary to carry this type of projects.
Aspects of the center’s methodology that contribute to the achievement of the project’s objectives:
1) Innovative educational practices: The school is one of the first Romanian centers to organize fairs of training companies. It is a reference center in the promotion of entrepreneurship in Romania. Nationally awarded for projects developed by students in the economic area.
2) Acquisition of key competences: Digital competence. The teaching staff has experience in educational software development.
3) In addition, experience in international projects is provided.
Brief description of our experience in relevant areas of this project:
The constant and efficient participation in international projects has
demonstrated the good experience of our organization in the management of projects and the achievement of results in the educational process.
Our students and teachers participated in the development of projects in areas of economic science for which they were
awarded in various national competitions.
The school “Nicolae Kretzulescu” is one of the first organizers of fairs of training companies in our country and is also a reference center when promoting entrepreneurship and its introduction in Romanian schools.
Other skills and knowledge of the key people of our team for this project is that they have been tutors of VET teachers in secondary schools, tutors for the pedagogical training of university students who aspire to be future teachers, authors of textbooks and other materials curricula for the scientific area, educational software developers, international project coordinators, members of national and international networks, doctoral students in science
and economy.
Our educational center “Budapesti Gazdasagi SZC Belvarosi Gazdasagi Szakgimnaziuma” is located in the center of the capital of Hungary (Budapest). It is the most populous city in Central-Eastern Europe and the seventh in the European Union.
It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, it has several assets considered a World Heritage Site. Forbes magazine
considered as the seventh idyllic place in Europe to live.
Our secondary school provides professional training in the area of economics, commerce, logistics and secretarial work.
Our center was built in 2007, before we were an annexed center, but on September 1, 2016 it became independent due to the wide demand of our training by young people. We have 900 students with an age between 16 and 20 years.
With a staff of 80 highly qualified teachers. We have teachings in day and night shift because we offer teachings for adults.
The sociocultural context is medium.
It is a modern building of recent creation and perfectly equipped with TICs. It is located in the heart of Budapest.
We offer two foreign languages to our students: English and German.
Our main strengths are:
– We are referents in our city in terms of dual professional training in the area of economy and entrepreneurship.
-We are implementing a very successful “talent management” project with 120 curricular hours. This initiative has been
recognized by our educational authorities.
We are intermediaries of the labor market. We have a job pool for students created from the profiles demanded by companies in our environment. You can check our website
Dual vocational training in Hungary is a very attractive way to learn a trade.
This means that the training of the students takes place both in the
company as in our educational center. These programs offer many opportunities of employability to the students, because the future competences that will require them to carry out a work related to their training, adjust perfectly to the reality that of the companies. They acquire technical skills and theoretical knowledge in the same job.
Aspects of the center’s methodology that contribute to the achievement of the project’s objectives:
1) Powerful network of contacts with financial and industrial companies. Deep knowledge of the business reality of the environment:
Company workers are trained and a high percentage of teachers combine teaching work with other work in companies.
2) Youth employment is encouraged with specific courses based on techniques of orientation and job search for young people.
Many end up working in those companies where they carry out dual training. There is an employment exchange as a result of that
3) Innovative methodology recognized by the educational authorities. Two projects stand out:
– The program “The thematic week”. Where we hold workshops, seminars, visits, ICT activities and conferences related to
creativity, innovation, economy and entrepreneurship.
-The “Talent Management” program.
Brief description of our experience in relevant areas of the project:
Budapest is the most industrialized city in the country and the most important financial market in Central Eastern Europe. The industry is rather on the outskirts of the city, because the center of it is the place for national and international financial companies.
Our school is located in the heart of the city. The location of our school allows us to:
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