Romanian experience DTSE Erasmus+

BySSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania

Romanian experience DTSE Erasmus+

What did I expect from this Erasmus project ?

65% of children going to school today will have jobs that do not yet exist – is the verdict of the “Future of Jobs” report presented at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2016. That is why I believe new solutions need to be identified to speed up adapting the educational process to the realities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Considering the above, I expected the Erasmus Project to promote educational alternatives and the use of interactive group methods to develop active learning.


How has the mind and students life changed as a result of this project?

Through this project, we have promoted learning based on issues connected with everyday life, using new technologies, and providing students with learning, working and cooperation opportunities in multinational teams.

Teachers and students have exchanged good practices at European level, have acquired new knowledge and skills, exchange of ideas, transfer of creative practices.

The project has led to the development of other relevant skills for students and teachers, such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, flexibility, and social initiative development.

We have shared together new experiences of learning, intercultural communication, we have discovered new ways of motivating learning.

In other words this project brought, as its slogan said it, innovation in thinking and, as a consequence, changes in life.

Thank you for this successful collaboration ! 

I hope to see you in a new project !

Luminita Moise

Şcoala Superioară Comercială “Nicolae Kretzulescu”, Bucharest, Romania

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SSC Nicolae Kretzulescu Romania author

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