Headquarters and calendar: SPAIN. 22-01-2018.
Temporary: 5 days.
Students: 10
Teachers: 10
Workshop: “How to apply educational coaching to empower our students in their personal dimension”.
Both the training component and practice will be taught and directed by members of the team in Spain.
-Workshop: “Platforms for effective and secure communication: Twinspace“
Presentation of eTwinning as an ideal tool to enhance collaborative work. Several online communication platforms will be explained in order to improve the work collaborative at the transnational level. Working with secure tools and methods for communication with the use of cloud technologies.
We will work for projects, transnational teams of students will be created to strengthen affective ties and mutual knowledge. Assignments of cases will be given and their execution will be followed in real time. We will use a methodology of “Learning Based on problems. ” The goal is for all participants to develop skills to use Cloud Technologies successfully
Both the training component and practice will be taught and directed by members of the Spanish team. Given that ITs applied to education are one of their strengths as school.
- Guided visit to the Technological Park of Andalusia. Our “silicon valley”. A bet for Diversification and smart growth. Talk from the head of the center business incubators (IDEA). (http://www.pta.es/es/start_in_the_pta.cfm # .WNe_nVXyjIU).
Visit to the Financial Education Center of Malaga. We will attend a workshop on finance for entrepreneurship. From the completion of short videos students will have to explain a financial product for entrepreneurs.
Exhibition: poster contest with the proposals of the students of each country of the logo and the slogan of our project. Selection of the external image of our project.
Publication of results obtained in the workshops through Prezis, Glogster and infographics. – Publication on the project website and (when applicable) on the radio online.
Invitation to the local press.
Invitation to educational authorities of regional and local rank.
HUNGARY. 1-October-2018. This mobility is planned, so that once the project is approved, it can be carried out in its first year of execution.
Temporary: 5 days.
Recipients: Teachers and students (10,15)
A4 -Workshop: “The six hats of Bono to enhance creativity, innovation and social entrepreneurship “.
A12: Seminar: “Our city: Budapest, an example of an endogenous development pole from the 3 T’s (Talent, Technology and Tolerance) “Organize HUNGARY
A5: -Workshop: “CANVAS MODEL“
We will work for projects, transnational teams of students will be created to strengthen affective ties and mutual knowledge. Spain
C2: Extracurricular activities for teachers and students:
- Guided tour by the students of the host country to the main places of tourist interest from the city.
- Contest-exhibition of the results of the CANVAS canvases of the students.
- Exhibition of infographics, glogster and murals with the results of the workshops
for those of the teachers.
- Publication of results obtained through prezis, glogster and infographics.
- Publication on the project website and (when applicable) on the radio online.
- Invitation to the local press.
2) Headquarters and calendar: ITALY. 5-November 2018. This mobility is organized in the second year of project execution
3) Temporary: 5 days.
4) Recipients: Teachers (15)
A6-Event: “DesignThinking: an innovative pedagogical methodology to solve problems social programs from European schools “. Organize SPAIN
A7-Seminar: “Social entrepreneurship and multiculturalism: an opportunity for a model of more inclusive school “ Organize Italy
A8 .Workshop: “Techniques and skills for collaborative work and effective communication to through TICs “(cloud, social networks, blog and web pages). Organize SPAIN
A9 -Seminar: “Social entrepreneurship among European schools: possibilities offered work with the students “Arduino motherboard” and “3D printing” to solve Social problems”. Organize SPAIN
A10-Workshop: “Work on key competences from problem-based learning to promote social entrepreneurship among students “. Organizes Czech R.
- Publication of results obtained through Prezis, Glogster and infographics.
- Publication on the project website and (when applicable) on the radio online.
- Invitation to the local press.
Temporary: 5 days.
Recipients: Teachers (15)
- A11 Workshop: “Detection of educational needs in schools to promote the social entrepreneurship: Application of SWOT analisys to our educational centers “. Organize CZECH R.
A13: Debate: “Where should our education systems evolve to ensure a better connection between transversal competencies require companies to our graduates and those we really teach in schools? “Organizes ALL
A14: –Seminar: “How to create collaborative networks with the circle of entrepreneurs: balance one experience”. Organize ROMANIA
- Publication of results obtained through Prezis, Glogster and infographics.
Publication on the project website and (when applicable) on the radio online.
- Invitation to the local press.
Temporary: 5 days.
Recipients: Teachers and students (10,15)
A15: Debate tournament: “Financing for social entrepreneurship in Europe: banking versus non-banking. “.ALL
A16: Representatives of teachers from all schools will participate. Moderated by members of the Romania team.
A15: Workshop: “Crowdfunding as a source of financing for solidary entrepreneurship“
Teams will be presented with a solidarity need: They will have to devise a plan of marketing to raise money (solidarity Crowfunding). They should have to define objectives, strategies, media (social networks …) etc..Czech R:
Activity “Elevator pitch”: The activity will involve the preparation of a video for each team to convince why contribute to your crowfunding. 2 minutes maximum
We will use a project-based methodology. The goal is that all participants know the sources of non-bank financing for a venture social and solidarity.Both the training component and practice will be taught and directed by an NGO. .. Czech R
All contribute to the achievement of the objectives of our project:
- Participants will have the opportunity to know some of the settlements historical sites in Romania, experiencing Romanian secular traditions, to improve his communication skills in English and making friends.
- An event will be created in eTwinning for online broadcast of the debate tournament for teachers.
- Contest of the best “elevator pitch” made by the students. It will be democratically elected by representatives of the entire educational community of the host country and by the coordinators present nationals.
- Publication of results obtained through Prezis, Glogster and infographics.
- Publication on the project website and (when applicable) on the radio online.
- Invitation to the local press.
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