The Startup “Catch me” CatchDreams Decoration Company was made by the students of class 3.A in colaboration with the JA Program.
The students have make a program
JA Czech Republic offers to secondary schools many programmes that last one school year or less according to possibilities of schools. The school pays a fee.
JA Student Company is a unique training programme for the Czech secondary schools. Our school is involved in this programme.
Our JA company is called Catch me. It is producing manufactury. First students decide what product they wanted to do, what name and logo their company will have, who the general manager of the company will be, what everyone’s role in the company will be.
Then they wrote Partnership agreement and formed 4 main departments: Marketing and PR department, Financial department, Production department and HR department.
They are producing dream catchers. They worked for 2 hours per week.
Working in the company gave big benefit to students – they became a better school team, they obtained new experience, they could try to start-up their own small business, they found easy and funny ways of learning new things. On the other side there are also some problems in the company – sometimes it isnecessary to work „overtime“ – it means after school schedule, there is the risk of financial loss, the selling of products is sometimes very difficult.
At the end of their one year business the students will decide how to divide the profit. They are going to give 10 percent of the profit to charity.
Monika Kubiszová
Czech team
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