IIS G.A. Pischedda in Bosa, Italy


IIS G.A. Pischedda in Bosa, Italy

Istituto di istruzione superiore “G.A. Pischedda”   in Bosa, Italy

Bosa, where is located our educational center “GA Pischedda”, is a tourist city in the province of Oristano, on the northwest coast of Sardinia. This area has great environmental and natural resources; this magnificent heritage, is not really taken advantage of, due to the lack of synergies between different sectors.

The province is in a difficult socioeconomic condition as shown by a study: “L’Analisi Territorial e socioeconomica della Provincia di Oristano “published by SIL, in relation to the main indicators related to demography, the education, wealth, business productivity structure, tourism.

It is a general secondary school, consisting of 96 teachers, 57 people working in administration, assistants or technicians; the number of students is 600, the age range is between 14-19; It includes several itineraries: Classic; Scientific; Administration, finance and marketing technician.

It also offers Vocational Training in two families: Restoration and hotel accommodation; Farming, has a boarding school and a small farm. The socioeconomic profile of the students is low.

Many of our teachers have been working throughout their lives in this place. They need to face other realities, the dynamism of Europe and the world, requires us to be able to compare our methodological approach to teaching and to renew our work and life practices. A very large number of our students have never left Sardinia.
If we can not modernize our education system, the only thing we can share will be poverty and backwardness. Investment in education and training is undoubtedly the best way to promote development and well-being for all. The Cultural exchange multiplies knowledge and wealth.

Hence, since 2011, we established as a priority the internationalization of our curriculum through participation in numerous international programs.
With our participation in this project we want to initiate a new educational form oriented to:

  • – Improve business initiative, promote endogenous research and development from the opportunities of social enterprise that our territory offers.
  • – The creation of a more inclusive school.
  • – Promote a better teaching / learning context in school.
  • – Increase the participation of young people and families in the life of the school.
  • – Construction of active European citizenship.

Our educational center has its own strategic plan synthesized in two objectives:

  • Internationalize the curriculum.
  • Prepare young people for college and the world of work;
  • We bring our extensive experience in international projects in recent years and the opportunities that our social, natural and cultural heritage offers for social entrepreneurship.


Where is GA Pischedda ?


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Alfonso@Playamar administrator

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