BHAK/BHAS center is a Handelsakademie. A center for Professional Training. Our main objective is business education and entrepreneurship. It is a priority set in the curriculum of each Handelsakademie in Austria.
The Weiz Business Academy is a business school with two main objectives: the acquisition of ICT skills and the teaching of languages. This is one of our great strengths. We teach 5 languages, students in addition to English and German must choose a third language (Spanish, French or Russian).
We have 400 students, half of them girls and half of them
Boys. Our students are between the ages of 14 and 19. The teaching staff totals 40 people.
We are located in Weiz, a town in Styria whose capital lies in Graz. Our identity as a small city at a relative distance from one of the largest cities in Austria has forced us to establish endogenous development strategies based on social entrepreneurship from the school that guarantee the employability of our students.
In fact the rate of unemployment of the graduates of a Handelsakademie is very low (the percentage among all the unemployed in Austria is around 1.8%). With this project we would like to collaborate in the promotion of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
We want to give our teachers and students the opportunity to cooperate with their European colleagues in the search for opportunities to
social entrepreneurship at the transnational level; to promote the mobility of our students to know the problems that they
Europe faces from other perspectives; to improve our educational practice through the exchange of experiences and
contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive economic and social growth.
What are the activities and experience of the partner organization in the relevant areas of this project? Which are the
skills or knowledge of the key people involved in this project?
Aspects of the methodology of our center that contribute to the achievement of the priorities and achievement of project objectives:
1) Entrepreneurship and business education is an essential part of the center plan.
2) Innovative practices that allow meaningful learning are carried out. Interdisciplinary projects for projects such as the creation of virtual junior companies.
3) A network of contacts with local companies has been consolidated (each course works with a company during the five years of training, companies give lectures and workshops and students visit these companies). Great experience in the analysis of the business situation in the area.
4) In addition, linguistic competence is a priority (teaching in five languages).
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