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7.- Glossary of important terms.

7.- Glossary of important terms.

  • • HUMAN CAPITAL: conception on the labor factor considered this as a contribution of capital (in addition to the physical and financial classics) to companies due to the existence of a stock of knowledge and skills that people transfer through their activity to the organizations.

  • • COMPANY: a project planned as long as possible, in symbiosis with the social and environmental environment, which provides the achievement of an economic and social benefit contributing to the collective welfare.

  • • MANAGEMENT BY COMPETENCES: conception on the management of human resources in companies that considers that the contribution of people to organizations goes beyond mere knowledge, also involving skills, attitudes and behaviors, thus combining knowledge , want and be able to do.

  • • GREEN PAPER: Title document "Promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility" published by the European Commission in July 2001 and which is the foundation of the CSR doctrine for the European Union.

  • • CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: According to the Forum of Experts of the Spanish Ministry of Labor (2005), CSR is, in addition to strict compliance with current legal obligations, voluntary integration in its government and management, in its strategy, policies and procedures, the social, labor, environmental and human rights concerns that arise from the transparent relationship and dialogue with its stakeholders, taking responsibility for the consequences and the impacts that derive from their actions.

  • • INTERNAL BUSINESS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: It assumes the internal facet of CSR and is considered to affect, in the first place, the workers and that refer specifically to issues related to the management and investment in Human Resources, to health and safety in the work and the management of change and its implications. Second, it is interested in the environmental consequences of business decisions, practices and management of natural resources used in production, especially if they affect workers.

  • • STAKEHOLDERS (or Stakeholders): are those social groups and individuals affected in one way or another by the existence and action of the companies, with a legitimate interest, direct or indirect, for the progress of these and that influence any way in achieving business objectives and in their own survival.

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