Unit 4. The Internal Organization Of Companies
Quiz Questions about Economy
8. Through the Organization Chart is perceived:
1.? The geographical area where the company is located.
2. ? The relations of hierarchy that exist between the members of the organization.
3. ? The type of external agents with which we can meet.
1. Needs of lower order are:
1.? The physiological ones
2. ? The acceptance by others.
3. ? Self-realization
4. It can be affirmed that:
1.? Strategic plans are usually short-term plans.
2. ? To perform the administrative activity of controlling, the administrator has had to plan beforehand.
3. ? The main purpose of planning is to motivate staff.
2. The delegation of authority in the company is understood as:
1.? The process by which the productive activity of the company is deconcentrated.
2. ? The assignment of a task to a subordinate and confer the freedom and authority to perform it.
3. ? One of the sections in which the Personnel Department is divided.
5. The administrative function of organizing consists of:
1.? Define objectives and put the means to achieve them.
2. ? Determine tasks and functions, dependencies, units and draw forms for their coordination.
3. ? Compare the results obtained with the proposed ones.
8. The staff are within the organizational structure of a company:
1.? Organizations of the company that combine authority and responsibility in a shared way.
2. ? Departments that serve as consultation and advice.
3. ? Structures that are formed temporarily to carry out specific projects.
3. Planning is a process whereby:
1.? Objectives are defined and control is established.
2. ? Objectives are defined and deviations are analyzed.
3. ? Objectives are defined and the means to achieve them are set.
6. The concept of division of labor was exposed for the first time by:
1.? Karl Marx.
2. ? F. W. Taylor.
3. ? Adam Smith