Unit 2. Mercantile And Fiscal Legislation
Quiz Questions about Economy
3. The value added tax pays:
1.? The final consumer
2. ? The company that adds value to raw materials.
3. ? The company that finishes the process of adding value to the product.
4. The redistribution of income is:
1.? A policy of economic underdevelopment.
2. ? An effective measure to overcome social inequalities.
3. ? An economic system typical of capitalist countries.
1. The value added tax is:
1.? A direct tax.
2. ? An indirect tax.
3. ? A real or product tax.
2. The VAT is:
1.? A contribution
2. ? A tax.
3. ? A tribute
6. What is the tax rate?
1. ? It is the volume of taxes that a company pays for its activity.
2. ? It is the percentage that is applied to the tax base.
3. ? It is the fixed amount paid for receiving a service.
5. Fiscal progressivity advocates:
1.? The fact that everyone pays the same taxes.
2. ? Nobody pay any kind of taxes.
3. ? The redistribution of income.